Clinical Specialists Consulting, Inc

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About Us

OUR GOAL: To Increase patient safety by decreasing morbidity and mortality in the maternal, fetal, and neonatal populations through evidenced-based education and consulting services.

Our company, CSC, was founded in 1993 by a Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist as a provider of multidisciplinary healthcare education and consulting services nationwide. All providers of direct and indirect patient care in the area of perinatal and neonatal health enhance knowledge and skill through CSC services. Our clients include individual practitioners (registered nurses, certified nurse midwives, residents, physicians, and perinatologists), individual hospitals, hospital systems, and corporations (national continuing education providers, pharmaceutical companies, industry equipment companies, web education companies, and others).

CSC is a consumer advocate for pregnant mothers, fetuses, and neonates. We uphold strict standards and guidelines for all of our education and consulting products to meet state, national, and international guidelines and criteria. CSC has developed and offered numerous educational programs to over 10,000 providers nationwide and overseas. Our staff has devoted more than 500,000 hours to research, analysis, and development of our products. CSC has been a leader in the industry of obstetrical and neonatal healthcare consulting for over a decade. The following are a few of the products & services provided to clients nationwide:

         * Reduced Perinatal Risk by 30% in over 1500 hospitals/Hospital System through education
               and consulting services in a nationwide Perinatal Risk Management Initiative 

            * Improved Post Testing Scores at ALL sites in over 85 hospitals nationwide

            * Created the first NICHD EFM Certification Course & EXAM distributed nationwide

            * In 2006, Published the ONLY Textbook on Electronic Fetal Monitoring with NICHD     
               Guidelines and Terminology Cover-to-Cover

            * Developed the ONLY EFM Credentialing Package to include BOTH Testing & Clinical     

            * Developed a nationwide strategic plan for implimentation of Education & Training for
               supplemental EFM equipment

            * Researched and developed over 100+ evidenced-based courses annually distributed
                nationwide for over a decade